Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mary Janes - Perfect footwear for women?

Dr. Martens type 5026 Mary Jane

I've never been much of a foot fetishist, but as early as I can remember, I've had a bit of an obsession with the perfect mary janes. I remember being a young lad of about five or six, going to these christmas parties, and all the girls would wear frilly dresses and mary janes. Cute bump-toe patent leather mary janes with a small buckle on the side. I guess that's how it started. Now I like seeing women wear these, and I still obsess with the shape of these shoes. I don't like the ballerina shoe crossover, or the ones made from fabric. I do like the ones with high heels, but to me they're just cool pumps. No, they should be comfortable and wide and rounded in the front, healthy shoes for healthy feet, and cute too! I prefer the ones in black patent leather, but the shape is vastly more important. A T front is acceptable, but doesn't do it for me!

I'm going out on a pisser, and I'll try to remember to look at shoes tonight! Maybe I'll see something I like!

Oh, and comment, please! And link to images with girls wearing good mary janes! Don't have many of them in my folders!

Update (Sunday morning): So... I'm a bit hungover, as I got blind drunk last night. I kept looking at shoes, but there weren't any mary janes. Except for one pair of those ballet shoes crossovers.

They look a bit sad, I think.

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