Thursday, September 24, 2009

Oh, no...


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quick orgasm on redtube

Here's one of my favourite orgasm movies ever. Used to have this as an .mpg back in the day. Don't know who she is, if she even knew she got taped or anything. Just awesome!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Rage - Jude Law in drag.

Well... This ought to be interesting! I'm a bit of a film buff, so I've seen a lot of Jude Law stuff before. Some quite good, some completely awful. I should point out that I don't think he's actually playing transgender in this one, but rather more a gay guy in drag. That's my impression anyway after seeing about two seconds of him in the trailer. He does look fantastic, though. I'll have to see this soon!

Here are two more photos of Jude in drag:

The best part? Steve Buscemi is playing the photographer! Awesome!

Oh, and did I mention Lilly Cole is in it? Too bad she's a blond here, but goddammed hot nonetheless! Fap material for at least a couple of days!

Go to IMDB to see more and read a bad review.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sleepoverdress - cute crossdresser

The quality of the video leaves a lot to be desired, but I have to say, that is one cute butt! I hope he'll do more crossdressing stuff than he's already done. He's totally cute. Check out his other vids too! Technically, they're bollocks, but it's worth it. I just wanna go "Bad girl!" and spank his ass all red!

Follow me on twitter!

If you're on twitter, you can follow my short bits and see when I've updated or done something stupid. Actually, most of the stuff I do is rather stupid, but if you've read my blog, you already know that. thinkingpervert on twitter

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mary Janes - Perfect footwear for women?

Dr. Martens type 5026 Mary Jane

I've never been much of a foot fetishist, but as early as I can remember, I've had a bit of an obsession with the perfect mary janes. I remember being a young lad of about five or six, going to these christmas parties, and all the girls would wear frilly dresses and mary janes. Cute bump-toe patent leather mary janes with a small buckle on the side. I guess that's how it started. Now I like seeing women wear these, and I still obsess with the shape of these shoes. I don't like the ballerina shoe crossover, or the ones made from fabric. I do like the ones with high heels, but to me they're just cool pumps. No, they should be comfortable and wide and rounded in the front, healthy shoes for healthy feet, and cute too! I prefer the ones in black patent leather, but the shape is vastly more important. A T front is acceptable, but doesn't do it for me!

I'm going out on a pisser, and I'll try to remember to look at shoes tonight! Maybe I'll see something I like!

Oh, and comment, please! And link to images with girls wearing good mary janes! Don't have many of them in my folders!

Update (Sunday morning): So... I'm a bit hungover, as I got blind drunk last night. I kept looking at shoes, but there weren't any mary janes. Except for one pair of those ballet shoes crossovers.

They look a bit sad, I think.

Olga - another hairy girl

Oh, my! There is so much I like about this girl, I don't even know where to start! From her dimples to her hairy muff. From her pigtails to her hints of baby fat. And her slightly sagging boobs with the big, pink, puffy nipples! You know how sometimes when you hug girls, they're surprisingly soft to the touch? I bet she's like that!

I met this girl in a bar I frequent, a friend of a female acquaintance, and she gave me this big hug, and, though she was quite slender, she was shockingly soft to the touch! It made me quite the opposite in an instant, of course, and images of Olga ran through my mind. Until she introduced her boyfriend... It was late, I went home, looked up Olga on ATK Natural & Hairy and fapped. Again. I know this might sound a little sad, but you can never win 'em all, and big thanks to Olga for gettin me off once again!

Nacebi - wherever did you go?

I salute you!

Sadly, I came to that place too late to be part of the original postings for Nacebi. She was a camgirl one day, and the next she just left, and noone's seen her since. Or they have and aren't telling. I know nothing of her, except, she's a T-girl, her name is probably not Nacebi, and she lives somewhere in the US (license plate size was a giveaway, and the top also says California). And that's it, except for intriguing photos.

Not the most raunchy photos I have of her, but you see my point, right? I think she's just awesomely beautiful and absolutely red hot. So, if you know more about this girl, or have or sauce or dox on her, let me know in the comments section, or send me a pm if you don't want the info public.

Sometimes I wish I was gay.

Not me.

Every now and then, when I talk to women, I offend them unintentionally by saying something slightly explicit, and drama ensues. It annoys me to no end that girls tend to think they should have the right to judge my sexual preferences and that my opinion of what I find attractive in, say, female attire, is in some way degrading to the whole of female kind. OK, so I have a thing for school uniforms, and, in my opinion, if a girl is trying to pick up a new boyfriend, something like that would work fairly well, as opposed to "don't look at my body" clothes. (Note here that I've never tried to pressure anyone into wearing a school uniform.) I've had this argument with several former female friends, and they seem to think it's a porn-induced fetish. They couldn't be more wrong, of course. It's not even a fetish for me, I just think it's cute and a bit of a turn on. It's just that if I should mention something like that, the whole conversation blows up in my face, and you know that's pretty crappy in a bar full of people. Sometimes it's the girl I'm talking to, and I wonder why she asked my advise in the first place, or it can be her cockblocker friend going all mental.

I know the above sounds quite specific, but I'm only using it as an example, as it was the first time I realized I wish I was gay.

Would gay life be easier? Well, I know a lot of gay guys, both swishy, feminine types and big hairy macho types, and even a few hardcore leather men. What they have in common, though, is that they're all pretty cool and very open about what the like and also very accepting of others. Unlike most women I've met. (I know they are out there, it's just that I hardly ever meet them and click). Also, with my body type and clothes preference (and friend preference), I'd land smack in the middle of bear territory. I stated above, that the guy in the photo wasn't me, but I can assure you that he and I have a lot in common. It's amusing to find a photo of someone who looks that much like myself! But I digress. The point is, that if I was a bear, most of the drama would be eliminated. If a bear asks you "does my butt look big in this?", a positive answer might even lead to nookie! And a quickie is fine! There is no faking orgasms, no question as to the satisfaction of your work, and playfighting can be damned good foreplay. And dressing up to go out on a pisser is putting on pants and a clean shirt. Life would be so easy.

Sweet Ella

Ella of Becoming Ella is a T-girl I first saw on youtube while doing my research on gender non-conforming people. Her blog is well written and quite interesting, in that she shares so much of her life with the readers.

At first I just thought she was hot, but after reading her blog, I'm hooked! Very nice work, Ella! Can't wait for your next post!

Gender - who cares?

Where it all began...

For a while, I've been going to that place, rule #1 and 2 applies, to get some saucy fap material, and was genuinely surprised as to my sudden interest in "traps". All at once, a whoal new perspective on gender identity opened up, and I could see photos of all these fantastic girls with penises. One could argue that that place is a sesspool of retards who are morbidly fascinated by these images, but I also encountered whoal threads dedicated to the sharing and admiration of photos of these girls. Linetrap being the most famous, as she is now a porn star, and also because she came to that convention a couple of years back and showed everybody her budding boobs. Security was having none of that and came over to give her a good talking to, and she shut them up by telling them "it's OK. I'm a boy.", which was technically (genetically) true. This stunt made a whole lot of users of that place very, very happy, and we all rejoiced and had a quick fap in her honour!

All this made me realize, however, that there is a whole world of dirty fun to be had that I hadn't given much thought before, and that I needed to do more research on the subject! And when I'd done a bit of fapping and a whole lot of research, I came to realize that most everyone could do with a bit of reading on the matter. I won't bore you with all the PC technicalities or anything, suffice to say that as I'm not a complete bastard, I came to sympathize deeply with every one of these girls (and boys!) and the pain they must have gone through, whether transgender, transsexual or crossdressers. Note that I'm not mentioning trasnvestites here, although there is a lot of crossover to crossdressing, but I'm considering this a different subject matter all together.

I'll be writing more on this subject, some posts serious, and some posts more light-hearted, and leave you with this girl, Nacebi, that I find incredibly attractive!

Hairy girls

Some guys prefer women waxed/shaved and some like them hairy. What can I say? I go either way. So many girls shave their bits nowadays, it's hard to even find a proper bush, much less a thicket, and when I do, I have to admit, it's a bit of a thrill! It's hard to say why this is a turn-on for me, other than the rarity and my first proper girlfriend. I don't have much good to say about her, so I'll leave most of it out, but she was a vixen and had a very hairy cunt, that I enjoyed a lot!

As for hairy porn, I usually don't go for hairy legs. Armpit hair? I don't care, but hairy legs are a bit of a turn-off. I have to say one of my favourite hairy girls is Timea of ATK Natural & Hairy. She's also one of my favourite puffy nipples girls and also my favourite puppy fat/voluptuous girl. I mean, look at her!

Proud to be a pervert!

So, I was sitting here tonight having a quiet cigarette, annoying myself by reading yet another "men are perverts and should have their naughty bits chopped off with a rusty butter knife" post. Posts like that makes me want to give up women all together, and I'm contemplating how much easier life would be if I was gay. Seriously.

First of all, posts like that are usually (in my experience) written by girls who aren't getting any or by girls who's boyfriend/significant other has done them wrong. Why do they then insist on blaming all men for the shortcomings of a few? And, secondly, why is this neo-puritanism so evident in their posts? Why do they insist that THEIR sexual preferences are the only ones to even be considered "right"?

I'll be the first to admit I'm a bit of a deviant! In fact, I like my sex all the way from plain (vanilla) to spectacularly sordid, and I'm more than willing to tell you about it. I'm also heavily into porn, and I'll tell you what I like about that too.

In posts to come, I'll tell you more, give hints and show you links and pictures. If you don't like this stuff, you might want to go somewhere else, but if you stay, I'll give you a treat!